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Reckoning Lab

Mathematics laboratory is a place rich in manipulation materials to which children have ready access to handle them, perform mathematical experiments, play mathematical games, solve mathematical puzzles and become involved in various activities. The lab is equipped with a number of models like Number meter, Number apparatus, Pocket Chart, Dominoes, Watch Model, Spike Abacus, Geoboard and many other such models to facilitate the students to develop the concept of numbers in an easier way.


Mathematics lab is rich in manipulate material, to which children have ready access to handle them, perform mathematical experiments, play mathematical games, solve mathematical puzzles & become involved in other activities.
1. To provide readily accessible rich manipulate materials.
2. To develop physical involvement in order to add new ideas to their cognitive structure.
3. To make children experience with real-world embodiments of mathematical ideas.
4. To emphasis on learning by doing.
5. To provide children with opportunities to discover & understand mathematical concept through their active involvement in solving problems.
6. To make children to think, to look for patterns and ask questions.
7. To develop an attitude of enquiry