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From the Desk of the Principal

“Education is about awakening –Awakening to the power and beauty that lies within all of us.”

To my mind education as an idea, is not just about bricks, mortar and concrete, but about building character, enriching minds and about varied experiences that last a lifetime.

Our vision is to give the students the all round capability including creativity, observation and knowledge empowerment leading to the generation of excellent, performing citizens with sterling character.

We, at AVM, practice RICRAC behavior. The RICRAC acronym is used to remind students & parents “Responsibility, Integrity, Caring, Respectful, Academic and Cooperative”. These values, we believe, will enable our students to take a leadership role in learning and in life.

There is a commitment to an integrated curriculum approach through inquiry learning. The development of higher order thinking skills, risk taking, adaptability, cooperation, and communication techniques are fostered.

AVM provides a platform to its students to showcase their inborn talents. We also take utmost care in moulding our children as responsible global citizen.

We, at AVM are committed to the improvement and growth of student community. We would like to see them soar to new heights and taste success in all their endeavors. We are convinced that the purpose of  education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

I hereby solicit your cooperation and support in our endeavour to bring out the best in and enable the child to become competent, confident, independent, creative and successful good citizens, with virtues of head, heart and character.

Profound Regards,

Ms. Tarang Gaur